Thursday, January 29, 2009

Love Affect

I got free
I found out about His endless love
Freedom purchased by the blood
I got free
Nothing could hold me down
Freedom is what I have found
His love always abounds
Grace given to me opened my eyes and allowed me to see
See that God, of the Holy Trinity
Loved me

Saturday, January 24, 2009


2 Corinthians 5:17 Behold the fresh and new has come.

Like never before
Comes newness of life and more
Abundance in Christ
Victory assured
Christ procured
Life transformed
Grace adorned
Forever divine
His truth
A mind renewed equals a transformed you.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Living Close

Closer, closer still
Drawing near causes everything within to be still
Listening, listening for your voice
That is how I live
Willingly making that choice
Open, open to the light of your truth
Closer, closer
My heart yielded unto You
Holy, Heavenly Father - You
The only one who made it available for me to do
In my heart, and in my mind once renewed - His Truth
Jesus has come and done it through love.
Closer still
Hear His truth - empowered, raised!
Walk out who He is in the earth
Know, and be as He is
Imitate Him in the earth
Closer, closer still - truth
Christ living in you

How to Get Above It

Philippians 3:12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.

Getting above all of it
If I could ever describe what I felt, I would
Wanting to get above it, found out I could
Desiring to live the life He planned for me
Coming to understand that I knew it intrinsically
Can't imagine how it must seem
Detached from a comfortable yet painful thing.
I want let it get the best of me
Determined I'll get above and beyond it and be free.
Determined to live out what is destined for me
Determined not to let it stop me.
Determined is how to get above it and be free.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Your love grants access to a life brand new

I see the freedom you have granted

Take hold of your truths

Putting down weights that hinder my stride

Getting rid of hurts that I use to hide

Moving it all out of the way

For that special and precious reason

To worship and give You praise

To get into your presence and love on You till

You melt away all of my insecurities and anything attempts to shield the light of your truth from coming to me.

Constantly letting me know that I am loved and free

Free to be who you made me to be

I know this through your love revealed in me

Opening up a world natural eyes can't see

Adonai forever you are to me

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 Inevitable

Impossibility can no longer stand

Notions conceived submitted to God's plan

Evidence found in the Word of God

Victory in Christ proclaimed in the Word

Imagine all that He has granted to you through the Word

Transformed renewing your mind is key understanding that victory is inevitable for you and me.

Access has always been granted simply waiting for you to believe

Belife patiently waiting for you and me to employ it and be inevitably free

Live like you knew from the start

Enligthened in the truth let it take hold and hide it in your heart.