Spiritual Gifts

Narrator: Soldiers sitting around talking, just days ago they received their gifts toward the completion of the mission.
Mercy: "This is serious."

Evangelist: "This is war, and we can take'em."

Prophet: "I fear nothing but God."

Teacher: "Do you understand why we are in this war?"

Exhorter: "Let me tell you how we are going to win this war."

Server: "What can I do to help?"

Giver: "Here is some money this will get you started."

Administrator: "Okay, all of this is great, now let me tell you what we are going to do. We have instructions from Captain Shepherd and we are to follow as he has instructed. Now Evangelist you're up first, what are you going to do?"

Evangelist: "I'm going out to win anybody that crosses my path that doesn't know the Lord and if they do know Him, then it’s a time to rejoice." (There is a knock at the door and the administrator is motioned to.)

Administrator: " Look I've got to step away for a moment for some pressing business. Continue to discuss your strategies until I return." (Administrator exits the room)

Giver: "What else can I give to get you going?"

Server: "Yes, we are going to need some things as the evangelist brings them in."

Prophet: "The greater need will be repentance!"

Mercy: "We don't want to bash them over the head, compassion will be needed as well."

Teacher: "They have to understand the purpose behind repentance, and then realize why compassion is there."

Exhorter: "Let me tell you how it will come together. Prophet you make them aware of their sin, Mercy you will show the compassion of Jesus melting away the condemnation, thus making it easier for the Teacher to explain the why's and how's of the whole process. And I will encourage them to act on what they know and learn along the way."

(Captain Shepherd enters the room and all stand to attention.)

Captain Shepherd: "At ease soldiers, you all know your part in the mission we are a team, from here on out we eat, sleep, and breathe together. This will be done through love soldiers, love will bring about the unity to complete the mission.