I have pondered this all evening and feel it necessary to tell you that STAGES was written 15 or so years ago.It is my hope that you will see the progression in my writing from then and now. Be blessed.8/28/10

In the Presence of my Enemies

In the presence of my enemies.
My flesh began to rise
In the presence of my enemies.
Tears filled my eyes.
In the presence of my enemies.
The Spirit began to speak.
In the presence of my enemies.
The Holy Ghost rose up mightily in me.
In the presence of my enemies.
The Word sprang out of me.
Just as I open my mouth my enemies had to flee.
In the presence of my enemies.
I will continue to walk in love.
In the presence of my enemies.
I’ll even be misunderstood.
In the presence of my enemies.
I’ll continue to raise up the banner for the right.
In the presence of my enemies.
Yes I’ll fight.
In the presence of my enemies
I’ll draw my sword.
In the presence of my enemies.
Will I kneel and pray.
You better believe it. Pray positions right away!!

Christ Makes the Difference

Christ makes the difference.
In whatever you face.
If you’re in quick sand.
Or merely out of place.
Perhaps you are without him.
Obviously you don’t know.
Having Jesus as Savior and Lord
Truly makes a difference.
Don’t be fooled.
He is coming for a bride.
And He is coming soon.
Christ makes the difference
In you everyday live.
Seek him while he is found.
Be careful not to fall away.
Hang onto the Lord everyday.
Yes, Christ makes the difference
You will see.
It is so very true.
Look to Jesus our Savior and Groom.

If you're walking through the fire.
Them set your mentality higher.
You’ll be like a balloon, helium makes it bloom.
If you push for the finish line.
There will always be others left behind.
When you're running in a race.
Never hang with those moving at a turtles pace.
We must elevate our mentality.
Then make it a reality.
Everything you do requires work.
Don’t be a fool, just do the work.
The Nike formula describes it best.
Even if you refuse to confess.
Nothing that you wish to posses is free.
It requires time, thought, and energy.
Again we come to a golden rule.
Be smart and stay in school.
Those who refuse to take the climb.
Will always be there to try and keep you behind.
Oh, by the way the formula is:
What a way to live.

Trying to Survive

Trying to survive.
Did you know there is more?
You don’t have to fight.
No need to struggle anymore.
How long will you wrestle?
Don’t you feel the ease to let in.
Fighting a losing battle.
Someone has to win.
Might as well be you.
But you can’t see.
You're busy in the battle.
Fighting what you think is the enemy.
Busy with your mouth, murdering your kin.
Saying the wrong things to your fellow man.
Busy with your feet, going everywhere seldom to church, seldom to prayer.
Busy with you hands pointing at everybody else.
Did you notices the three pointing at your self.
Trying to survive
Is what you will say.
Oh, there is so much more is what the Lord would say.
You don’t have to struggle this way.
The fighting on your level has got to stop!
You can’t see the enemy because you're looking at man.
Didn’t you notices you’ve already won.
It was over before it began.
All you had to do was learn how to walk in the freedom I already gave.
I did it back on Calvary.
Trying to survive, there is so much more.
Yield to Jesus our Savior and Lord!!

Feed Me

I’m tired and it’s not even late.
The day has been quick and at times great.
Even with all there was to do my strength is fading.
There is only one thing to do.
Climb up in your lap and rest in your arms.
Pick up my Bible and feed the real me!
Rejuvenation is an awesome thing.
I’m just starting.
To allow the word to be my meat!

Looking to...

Looking to you is what it's all about.
Looking to you who always brings me out.
Looking to you in my moments of despair.
Looking to you when I fee nobody cares.
Looking to you when I didn’t have a dime.
Looking to you when life was on the line.
Looking to you who has always brought me out.
Looking to you because I know without a doubt.
Looking to you is the only way out.

You don’t want to here that?

I don’t want to here that!
What is that you say?
You don’t want to here.
That Jesus is on the way!
You don’t want to hear that truth will prevail.
You don’t want to hear that without Christ you go to hell.
I don’t want to here that!
You say that today.
Just keep living
I guarantee your attitude and mind will change.
You don’t want to see that there is a cure to what ills society.
You don’t try to heed the obvious warnings that nature breeds.
I don’t want to here that want last long.
Because Christ is coming to take the Spotless Church home.
Not self-righteous, or its okay no body is perfect expect the one on the way.
Continue making those excuse if you want.
Whatever happen to a people who didn’t want to fall.
I don’t want to hear anything you say.
Didn’t ever notice that you don’t mention His name.
You talk to the sinner and make him think he is a Saint.
Really your mouth is not moving but your life ranks.
I don’t want to hear that.
Okay, but don’t say you haven’t been warned.
Because Jesus is coming.
And I’m going out on the first load!

Better than Gold

At the rainbow’s end is where I start.
Something precious in my heart.
More then a pot of gold, glory or fame.
Something special that will always remain.
Better then the beauty of each hue.
More priceless than any gem or jewel.
I want make a fuse or argue one bit.
Not everyone wants to walk, but rather sit.
At the rainbow’s end is where I start.
Walking away from the gold for the treasure in my heart.
What’s in the pot is limited you see.
But the treasure within is priceless to me.


It started out as a simple crawl.
Then it developed into a two-legged walk.
Transition on the go, things are not the same
Growing everyday.
Starting to like the change.
Look out fore the pit fall
Its called friends.
Be careful for the darkness, the tentacles of sin.
OOP’s there goes a hurtle and a little something more.
Uh, oh you fell just don’t’ stay there on the floor.
There you go picking up the pace.
Is that a cap and gown your at the end of the race.
Don’t get excited just yet.
That was round 1.
Training will now began for the next stage of life has come.


What in life do you hold so dear.
That moments away brings thoughts of fear.
What in your eyes do you hold so true?
That you refuse to blink because it hinders your view.
What in your life do you hold so rare?
That others don't know, thought you expect them to care.
All should point to the Son of God in your eyes, your heart, your moments with God!
Jesus made it possible so enjoy Him right now.
He is the Son of God no doubt!

Turn the Page

Busy, busy, busy, as the day comes to a close once more.
I come to you heavenly Father as I open those golden doors.
I sit at your feet and tell the details of my day.
We laugh and talk as you comfort and teach me lessons for a new day.
Then I rise from my knees and Lord you turn the page.
Bright and early comes the next day, with one leg out the bed I began to pray.
To those golden doors I come again and watch your face with a bright grin
you show me the path and lead the way, and I make it through another day.
And you my Heavenly Father turn the page.
In my darkest night I know, I'm not alone, with a key in my hand to open those golden doors again
I sit at your feet talking once more.
My hand in yours and you guide the way.
And you Heavenly Father simply turn the page.