Saturday, November 28, 2009


Something beautiful

Starts with you

Your love for me forever remains true.

Something beautiful

What you did on the cross for me

Empowered in the resurrection

Charged to be You in me.

Something beautiful

Worshipping you the Creator of all things

Rejoicing in the knowing you and the comfort it brings

Something beautiful

When you will return for me and all those who believe and wait to behold our Messiah and King.

Beautiful it will be.

Happy Heart

Happy is my heart
When I'm praising you
Happy is my heart
When, I'm using what you've given me to use
Happy is my heart as I walk with you
Sending praise with words and phrases
How I worship you.
It is all because of you
Loving me the way you do.
I give you praise, because I belong to you.
Thank you for being who you are.
Happy is my heart due to the only living God!!