Saturday, September 25, 2010


Another notion denoted
To one unquestionably devoted
So much so He sent His Son
Unfailing love and He won
Every victory on the cross
So don’t be confused when the world says you lost
Don’t be blind to the truth
With Christ you can never lose
With His love you conquer all
Take this note so when you fall
You want stay there He hears your plea
Declare His word and you will see
He answers prayers
When you ask, knock, and seek
Trust and depend on Him and you will see
Another notion denoted to the victory Christ gave you and me!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Choosing You

A new day granted by You
Love flowing endlessly through the night
Awaken in the morn to experience more goodness from You
Liberty in choices
Choosing to embrace the new
Over and over again granted with an opportunity to choose
In our minds, in our hearts, in everything we do
Choose, we must, and choose we do
Over and over again we choose You
To walk in Your way to walk in Your word
Knowing Your truth makes us free cause we’ve heard
Standing on the promise of Your word
We choose You

Sunday, September 12, 2010

And On We Go

And on we go
Cause life doesn't stop
Pray we must
Keeping God on top
And on we go
To His purposes and plans
With dreams and goals ahead
Standing on what He said
And on we go
Trusting in His word
Giving praise to the King
For His unfailing love
And on we go
For destiny is just up ahead.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Beyond you, beyond me
I wait
I know
You will never let me go!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Can't hold me even if you tried
Won't hold me due to who abides
Beholding the radiance of the Son
Never to forget that You are the One
Came to this earth to simply set me free
Always in progress,living in His love
Abiding in His love that reaches in, through and beyond me.