Saturday, November 20, 2010

You See

A new appreciation
For a current situation
Grateful for an elavation
That promotes a celebration
Because the experiences are denotations
To the vastness of His manifestation of love
He has placed in You
More than You yourself can see
Giving Him Honor in all things
Sweet bounding grace overtaking me
Tears of gratitude freely flowing
Amazingly blessed due to knowing that You chose me
From the start called me by name and set me apart
I give you honor and praise for;
A new appreciation found in my heart.


It's movement and motion
A force without end
Constantly implementing and enforcing a plan
A power entrusted earned or not
Used skillfully its up lifting
Mismanaged its not
Taking a diverse form each and every time
Unique as you are individual
A word spoken in the right place at the right time
Changing everything, alter the course of things
In your mouth power to change, create, praise
To the Almighty
Be praised.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Speak on knowledge
Speak on truth
How about life
The one God gave to You
Speak on life
Speak on hope
Speak on extending oneself
So that others hope
Speak on now, tomorrow too
Speak on faith
Ain't that what God told you to do?

Friday, November 12, 2010

His Hands

In His hands
I am an instrument
To implement a plan
To help you understand
That He is the great I am
In His hands
I am a plan sent to earth
So that others understand
That Jesus is the only way
To live life again
And then forever understand
In His hands
I am a vessel
A vessel He has made
It, another, again
Formed in His image
Fearfully and wonderfully made
To carry out His plan
Every experience formed
To bring the lost by way of the cross
Jesus paid the cost
In his hands
You are a part of the plan!


Conceive a notion
Turned into a thought
Claim my devotion
Because of You Lord
I am never lost.
Beyond my head
Saturated in my heart
Nothing now or ever will cause us to part

His Effects

Something now
Can’t explain
Don’t know how
Working on it
It is working in me
Change of a greater magnitude happening to me