Friday, November 4, 2011

Rainy Day Praise

It started raining.
Raining on me
Now this wasn't upsetting to say the least
It was raining
Raining encouragement, blessings, and peace.
I wasn't complaining to say the least.
I was praising
Give my good God the praise.
The clouds kinda of trick me
Seemed like it would have been a gloomy day, but that didn't happen.
It just didn't turn out that way
It was raining
Just as the verse of of the day
Had prompted me to ask, to ask for the rain and indeed it did in both a spiritual and natural way.
Thank You for the rain
Thank You for hearing me
Thank You for loving me
Thank You for choosing me
Thank You for those rainy days both spiritual and naturally.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Another Round

I got above it
I won this fight
It didn't come overnite
It wasn't with my might
Because of the blood of Jesus Christ
Poured out His grace into my life.
I got above it not in my might, but a gracious God who saw me in my plight.
Get above it through Jesus Christ
Who won it all with a priceless price.

Breaking Through

A moment of hesitation
But I could feel the warmth of your light
Bidding me to come, out from my shell into the light
Fragile were my insecurities
Foolish to think that it covered me
Blinded by the self made cell that I had created in efforts to protect me.
A me that needed You.
In ways I could have never known
Desiring you now, because those days are gone
Now in the light, basking in Your love.
Being rebuilt, shaped and fashioned by a love
Sent from eternity from You to me
Grateful and over joyed that You found me.
Cracked the shell so that I could be who you've made me to be.


I needed a moment
A moment with just me and You
I needed a time
Just to focus on You.
I wanted a time
A time to simply be alone with You.
To think on your goodness
To just think on You.
The countless times
You've brought me through
Sent a word so I know it is You
Speaking to my heart on those things between me and You
Constant companion, never alone
I just needed this moment
This time to think about You
Blessings and honor to God
I owe it ALL to You.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I don't deserve it
Nothing about me does
Yet it didn't exempt me from experiencing His love.
A love that pursued me
A love that found me out
A love that heals me
A love that brings me to say.
Without You I am nothing
Truly without You I can't live.
It is in you that I have my being.
It is in You that I live.
For I know I don't deserve it.
Nothing about me does.
Yet it didn't keep You from sending your Son.
And allowing me to know Your love.
Son... Altering... You...

Thursday, June 23, 2011


It doesn't stop
You don't need it to
Just go with it
Trust the one who leads you
Time 2
Call on Him
Time 2 know
He is always there
Believe in Him
Because, time
doesn't stop
You don't need it to
In the palm of His hand
Know who you belong to
God who holds

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Moment of Muse

Inspired by a love
More real and true
Ever seeking and finding
It's all in You
Never empty, never void
I belong to You
My source
My strength
My all to You

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I took a step
A step that made the difference
Made a move, a move that changed the mind
It got better
More than that this time
Charted a course
Set out on what seemed a familar path
Saw something that made me laugh
Felt a hand holding mine.
For You are there all the time
Now I know of the life sublime and joy complete
It started with you.
Pursuing me.
Love Divine
Jesus so sweet

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Got Heart

It started as something simple
Complexity wasn't even a thought
No space for the middle extreme is all
Extreme is your only choice
Up or down
You cannot be in the middle
There is no middle  ground
Floating is not an option
Tag and go won't do
You have to be extreme
It will require all no matter what you choose.
Whole heart or cold heart it truly is up to you
For it is the choice, the one every being will someday make.
It is a choice of extremes
It functions by your faith.
Like fuel in a car so is faith in God
Remember its extreme so do it with your whole heart.

Loving Me

Your love for me
Won't let it be until its complete
Your love for me
Won't let  it be until its under my feet
Your love for me
Won't let it be
Can't hold me down
Cause I been set free
Free to be who You made me in the kingdom
Your love for me gave me life
Life with power
Life in Christ
Your love for me
Won't let it be until its complete
Your love for me won't let it be
Until I walk out the victory
Your word settled it for me
Made it complete, put it under my feet
A love for me.

A Year With You II

Setting a pace
So get in your place
Stand in His grace
Seek His face
Enter into His rest
Give your best
Passing the test
Cause you have His word
You look to the hills
Help assured
Be that light
For soon comes the night
Work while it is day
For Jesus is on the way
Victory abounds
His word is  where its found
2011 is the time to let the Holy one shine.

Thinking About A Year With You

Another shot at heaven
With new birth
Dominion here on earth
Living life being free
Faith in Jesus raises me from death to life
Fro there isn't one if it is without Christ
For He is the only way truth and the light
So 2011 has be alright
Looking to live that abundant life
2011 is retro in Christ
Bringing it back
So enjoy the true life it is only possible in Christ.