Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Merry Christmas

It’s Christmas, its Christmas

A blessed time of year

When gift giving and merry making

Swing into high gear

At Christmas, at Christmas

Wonderful things we give

Warm endearments, best wishes

Abounding warmth and good cheer

Tidings of success and well wishes that bridge into the New Year

Christmas time, at Christmas

What a memorable gift given to man kind

A gift that reached from eternity

A gift that is present no matter the need

A gift available on demand

A gift accessible at every hand

A gift given for you and me

Emmanuel –God with you and me.

Matthew 1:23

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring for a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

Monday, November 19, 2012


I posted this on Facebook the other day. I still feel this strongly in my spirit today.  Especially after a conversation I had with my mom. So this bares repeating.


Only Way

There is only one way to heaven.
Only one.
Yet that is what He had in mind.
Before it all began.
Look around you He is coming back.
Just as He said.
Speaking of only and one.
That was His intent all along.
For us to know then share the way the truth and the light.
To be one as Jesus and the Father.
To be called out of darkness into His marvelous light.
There is only one.
One who made a way for you and me.
Jesus our soon coming King.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

It Prevails

Though I wait a time or two
Yet I find, I need more of You.
Back and forth, yet life a new.
Determined now that nothing else will do.
From that point a battle to ensue.
Steady I trust, faith to do.
Every word I know is true.
Accepting the newness like the morning dew.
Just like clock work it never fails
Don't have to seek it
Constantly it prevails

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Now available at Amazon.com

My first book is now available at Amazon.com. 
Poetic Devotion is a 30 day poetic journey with God.
I look forward to hearing from you!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Completing The Thought-Unfailing

This is true, for you will see in time that the experience brought something to you.
You found out something in it.
Perhaps you hadn't seen it before.
You where in a place of finding and not failure.
Now the better for it sure.
Perhaps you found His love which has been there all the time.
Once a trickle  now a flood for He constantly has you on His mind.
Surely you found His grace for the experience brought out of you
A treasure far greater than your natural mind ever knew.
For you see there is no failure, no failure in God at all.
Simply at a place of finding.
Finding out something deeper and richer perhaps even new.
Look about your experience  for God has always been right there with you.

Friday, August 31, 2012


His love is
His mercy is
His favor is
His goodness is
His righteousness is
His plan is
His ways are

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Jumping into the flow
That never stops
Carried away to the top
With a praise that brings me in
To my Father where I stand at a constant win
Victory assured, has always been
Seated  in heavenly places with Christ Jesus
Ready to win

Saturday, June 30, 2012


A heart yielded to You changes everything
My heart, my heart longs for You.
In need now, for a touch, a touch from You.
My heart needs
Needs that oneness and closeness with You.
So I pray,
Pray to You
To speak to me.
So now I'm close, close to You,
And the world as I know it now becomes new.
My heart, my heart in Your hands makes everything new.
Beholding me beholding You.
Grateful I am and owe it to You.
Faithful You are and always will be
I owe my all to You.
Praise and adoration I have for You.
Holy God the only one who is true.
My heart, my heart belongs to You.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Son Light

His beauty doesn't fade
Like a flower receiving the rays of a bright and shining Son.
Open to the grace and mercy of the One
Whom He did send for us all
Died and raised for you and me
Freed to live a life freely flowing and abundantly
God on earth as it is in heaven
You and me communing together 
Moving toward a destiny that is both now and forever.
And like a flower receiving the light from the Son.
Open to your goodness as your kingdom comes
On earth as it is in heaven
Dwelling with the One
True and living God
Testifying that there is none
None other like You.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Just a Thought

And your world can change
It all dependent upon you
Get down beneath the surface
To the core of the real you
A place designed for habitation
A divine encounter with truth
Yes there is a God
Holy, Righteous, Sovereign and Majestic
All is true
And your world is changing
Behold He makes all things new
Daily, day in day out 
He is there right with you.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Feeling freer everyday
Fellowship and communion with you clears the way
Coming into a newness everyday
Still being astounded by a love
Flowing to me everyday
Your faithfulness leading the way
Granted unto you both now and always
The love of my Savior, Jesus 
You and me always

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thinking of my Father

I needed a moment
A moment with just me and You
I needed a time
Just to focus on You
I wanted a time
A time to simply be alone with You
To think on Your goodness
To just think on You
The countless times
You've brought me through
Sent a word so I knew it was You
Speaking to my heart on those things between me and You
Constant companion
Never alone
I  needed this moment
This time to think about You
Blessings and honor all belong to You.