Wednesday, January 9, 2013

His Grace

It’s January 9th and I’ve been thinking…

Love brings light to truth
Our God gave His best to have me and you
Really simple and true
That God gave a gift that gave life to me and you.
Abundant, victorious, triumphant, and full is our life in Christ Jesus.
Love brought us truth.

Still thinking…

If I never fall, cry, fail, fuse, rave and wail to the sky.

Never have a moment when my behaviors not okay.

If I walk a perfect line, dot all my I’s and cross all my T’s.

Should have said this and not that

Or simply kept my mouth shut.

How about that?

Attitude, bad or off mood

You name it, flat out broke the rules.

Yet it didn’t, it didn’t douse one ounce of God’s love.

It doesn’t stop His grace which is constantly flowing

A mercy that endures for forever it just keeps going

So don’t get stuck on what you did or didn’t do.

Just keep moving and trusting in the God that loves you.

He provided all that you need to live a life of victory and truth

It is by grace and it cannot be earned by me or you.

So I’ve been thinking about the goodness of God constantly being poured out on me and you.