Sunday, May 19, 2013

Thoughts In Between

The ups and the downs
The smiles and the frowns
The questions and the comments
The decision to make a commitment
Like a roller coaster with its chills and thrills
Thoughts in between 
Just keeping it real

To choose to keep your mind focus on He
Who called you by name and knows your very frame.
The thoughts in between look like this.
The glory and majesty of my great king
Sent His Son to die for me
In this moment slow to speak
Placing all my focus solely on thee
In this moment surrendering my cares
Casting off everything because I'm in need of You
So I choose to focus, focus on You

The thoughts in between
Have to remind myself not to merely sit as if You are not there
Under my breathe at my desk
Utter that simple prayer
Thank you, thank you for it all.
Just that thought of You in between the rest
Eases it all
Thought in between the others 

On peace after that one
You keep me grounded
When the winds are high
You keep me in peace when things go wrong
You are the only one
Thoughts in between

Maneuvering through your comment :/
Now on to victory 
Side step the bait to plead my case
Jesus did it at the cross and that is all it will ever take
His blood more than conquered and covered me
Thought in between

Filling in the gaps 
Sometimes the ugly things
There is that reminder that I am in need
Nothing without the King

Thought in between