Saturday, June 28, 2008

Be Clear

I pray your eyes be enlighted by this truth. It has penetrated my spirit and now I have a brand new understanding and knowing of His love toward us.

Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God is with you He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.

It's a clear blue sky
Not a cloud I see
Yet I feel the rain falling on me
Drenching me to the very depths of my being
God's loving and rejoicing saturating me
It's a clear blue sky
And its beautiful to see
Yet it does not compare to His love extended toward me
Clearer than the blue sky is the understanding and knowing of His love in me
The precious notion of Him Almighty God wanting you and me

Saturday, June 21, 2008


What stands before you?

It seems to be such a great plight.

What tries to detour you from Christian delight?

Things are truly joyous with Christ.

Yet it does not keep us from having to fight,

situations and things that surface to fight.

What we believe when we walk in the light of life; Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

He Loves

Such a love as this
Born from eternity
Flowed into time
Dispensed to you and me
Such a love as this boar what no man can bear
Such a love as this
Brings me and the world there
There where He died for you and me
There where He empowered you and me
Made us to be free
Such a love as this
Like no other love ever shown
The fullness yet to be known
Such a love as this
Is Christ love for you and me
And oh how He loves both you and me

Saturday, June 14, 2008

From the Heart

The Mission

It was established before the creation
Somewhere in eternity
It was sealed upon His crucifixion and now passed on to us.
Whatever the cost; whatever the risk.
If we must suffer why resist
You are on a mission signed in His blood to represent Him and stay under His blood,
It is all-purpose for whatever you need
It stands between us and judgment
That’s why we plead
If you don’t fulfill the mission it’s like not planting a tree
It will not become a forest it want even be a tree
The impact would be tremendous how many would be unfreed
Just walk in obedience and follow as the Spirit leads.
His leadings are like a time capsule it manifests at the appointed time.
If it’s through the fire or a flood
I’ll continue on because I must
I’ve been sent here for a price
One I could not pay
Jesus paid it with His life
There is no expense report to be reimbursed
Most of the instructions are unrehearsed
Each assignment is unique and secure
Only I can fulfill what God has given within
For deep within he has given the code and the key
To each individual who destiny could be unleashed by you’re obeying the Almighty.
There is only one thing to do;
Fulfill the mission no matter the cost to you!

By Deandra Harris

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

With Him

A life oh so sweet
Is one surrendered to thee
A life that is complete
Is one yielded consistently to thee
A life that gives all praise
Yes all praise to You
A life oh so sweet
Is one saved by You
Jesus the Christ
The only way to heaven for sure.
He said to enter at the narrow gate and
stay clear of the broad road.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

Theme of the Day - Believe

Believe seems to be the ruling thought for me over the past couple of days. Rather than to resist it I have chosen to embrace this theme and simply flow with prose.

Believe or not to believe is not even the question.
Most of us believe; it is the fundemental core of who we are.
We don't struggle to beleive.
The issue is what do you believe?
What do you really believe?
What do you shape your thoughts, attitudes, behavior, and decisions around?
Everyday we believe, without giving it much thought.
Do you believe the Word of God?
For in that belief lies the results you seek.
Believing is simple.
The WHAT of your belief is a choice.