Saturday, June 14, 2008

From the Heart

The Mission

It was established before the creation
Somewhere in eternity
It was sealed upon His crucifixion and now passed on to us.
Whatever the cost; whatever the risk.
If we must suffer why resist
You are on a mission signed in His blood to represent Him and stay under His blood,
It is all-purpose for whatever you need
It stands between us and judgment
That’s why we plead
If you don’t fulfill the mission it’s like not planting a tree
It will not become a forest it want even be a tree
The impact would be tremendous how many would be unfreed
Just walk in obedience and follow as the Spirit leads.
His leadings are like a time capsule it manifests at the appointed time.
If it’s through the fire or a flood
I’ll continue on because I must
I’ve been sent here for a price
One I could not pay
Jesus paid it with His life
There is no expense report to be reimbursed
Most of the instructions are unrehearsed
Each assignment is unique and secure
Only I can fulfill what God has given within
For deep within he has given the code and the key
To each individual who destiny could be unleashed by you’re obeying the Almighty.
There is only one thing to do;
Fulfill the mission no matter the cost to you!

By Deandra Harris

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