Saturday, November 28, 2009


Something beautiful

Starts with you

Your love for me forever remains true.

Something beautiful

What you did on the cross for me

Empowered in the resurrection

Charged to be You in me.

Something beautiful

Worshipping you the Creator of all things

Rejoicing in the knowing you and the comfort it brings

Something beautiful

When you will return for me and all those who believe and wait to behold our Messiah and King.

Beautiful it will be.

Happy Heart

Happy is my heart
When I'm praising you
Happy is my heart
When, I'm using what you've given me to use
Happy is my heart as I walk with you
Sending praise with words and phrases
How I worship you.
It is all because of you
Loving me the way you do.
I give you praise, because I belong to you.
Thank you for being who you are.
Happy is my heart due to the only living God!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Make A Move

I was on a quest at least that is what it seemed.

Then it became quite clear it was up to me.

For God had already given me everything I would need.


Knowing what to do


Empowered to make a move

Knowing what to do

It all comes back to trusting in you.

Knowing that no matter what I decide You will always be You.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

When I Call On You

When I call on you
I know you hear
When I call on you
I know the answer is near

As I call on you the situation becomes clear
As I call on you there is such a peace.
Keep my mind on you, all other things being released.
My mind stayed on you, an overwhelming peace.
Thinking back on your truth.
Keeps me in step with your plan.
Don't forget the word, anything else is sinking sand.

When I call on you
Remembrance of your word enables me to stand.
When I call on you, I know that I can.
Be all that you have called me to be.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

For a Moment

More than I want it to be
Need some time to set my mind on you
You are not far and your love for me continues to hold truth.
Faithful only begans to describe how you love me the way you do
Quiet, because of me
I know not mucher longer for me to be silent
For in you do I live, move, breath, and have my being.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

His Grace

A new experience in Him.
Some where different then what I have previously known of Him.
Grateful that it was and is extended to me looking for the path that takes me to destiny.
His grace towards me lights the way.
Worship lights the fire that leads the way.
Ever faithful is what I will say.
You have proven your love to me day after day.
So Father I thank you for your grace.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

His Love For Me

Expressed in a fresh and new way
An understanding that you gave at the break of day
Your love more than I can take
Not based on my behavior but extended to me
By way of the cross did it for me so that I would not be lost
Your love for me more than just a passing thought
Always extended for me
Acceptance of this keeps me.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yours Lord

Song of Solomon 2:3 My lover is mine and I am his...
I am yours Lord
Every part of me
For you have made me holy, righteous, free
A royal priesthood upheld by your righteous right hand.
I am yours Lord
Yielded I stand
Ever grateful for a love extended to me.
Delighting in the knowledge that you sing and rejoice over me.
Yours Lord and you are mine
Together we are one
Jesus requested it during His earthly time
You made it so with a seal of your Holy Spirit in me.
For the harvest of your bride which is on the horizon for those who believe.
In the one You sent from eternity to make a way back so that we could be
As you always wanted us to be.
My lover is mine and I am his...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

New Perspective

I see it now
I know it will come to pass
I'm sure now my vision has a path
I'm trusting now in the Father who sent me
It is beautiful
For it is a gift that God gave me.
To offer up to him what He has placed in me
Thankful and holy because you have choosen me to be.
It will come to pass, seeing you be you in me
A heart that is soft and yielded to thee.
I see it now

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Pslam 68:19 Blessed be the Lord,
Who daily loads us with benefits,
The God of our salvation!

Something different
Something new
Simply want to offer praise to you
Morning by moring behold the fresh and new
Lord I offer my praise to you
Ever so thankful and grateful for all that you do.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


I let it go
Every hurt and pain sent to hinder me
For He made me to be free to live this life with joy and peace
I released it all
When I realized you had so much more for me
Determined to be who He called me to be
I continued on cause I wanted to be the best I can be
An ambassador for Christ showing it with His love in my life
I want give up
For there is a strive and a drive that comes from above
Faith is that substance
Accompained with and by the knowledge of his love
Motivates me to keep reaching up to thee
Morning meditation keeping me in touch with an anointing to build up the kingdom
For praise and worship must be offered up to a gracious God
Who sings over me and remains ever mindful of me

Constantly throughout the day showing forth His mercy and love
Reminding me to keep going, keep moving, never stop reaching to the Father of everlasting love
For this is the start of momentum

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Knowing You

Nobody but you comes to my mind
So many doors closed (a thought from behind)
Now I understand its simply you guiding me
Cause there is a plan and purpose
You have called me to walk out who you are in the earth
This becomes possilbe through the new birth
Living above the commandments with your grace
Longing for time alone to enter the Holy Place
Nobody but You and me in that place

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Praise to You

Philippians 1:11 being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.

Never without a word of praise to you
Adoration always, it goes beyond what you do
From the depths of my heart
I will worship you
Your love an ongoing season
So I willing offer praise and worship to you
Ever grateful and living for you
Daily receiving the grace to let you be you in me
Thankful and more for the Son you sent to save me.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


His plan cannot be stopped
His work of redemption never ceased
His love has purchased an eternal bride
Harvested among the earth through Christ seed
Drawing us to His unfailing love
Comforted in His surpassing peace
Forever His children awaiting the soon return of our coming King

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Love Affect

I got free
I found out about His endless love
Freedom purchased by the blood
I got free
Nothing could hold me down
Freedom is what I have found
His love always abounds
Grace given to me opened my eyes and allowed me to see
See that God, of the Holy Trinity
Loved me

Saturday, January 24, 2009


2 Corinthians 5:17 Behold the fresh and new has come.

Like never before
Comes newness of life and more
Abundance in Christ
Victory assured
Christ procured
Life transformed
Grace adorned
Forever divine
His truth
A mind renewed equals a transformed you.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Living Close

Closer, closer still
Drawing near causes everything within to be still
Listening, listening for your voice
That is how I live
Willingly making that choice
Open, open to the light of your truth
Closer, closer
My heart yielded unto You
Holy, Heavenly Father - You
The only one who made it available for me to do
In my heart, and in my mind once renewed - His Truth
Jesus has come and done it through love.
Closer still
Hear His truth - empowered, raised!
Walk out who He is in the earth
Know, and be as He is
Imitate Him in the earth
Closer, closer still - truth
Christ living in you

How to Get Above It

Philippians 3:12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.

Getting above all of it
If I could ever describe what I felt, I would
Wanting to get above it, found out I could
Desiring to live the life He planned for me
Coming to understand that I knew it intrinsically
Can't imagine how it must seem
Detached from a comfortable yet painful thing.
I want let it get the best of me
Determined I'll get above and beyond it and be free.
Determined to live out what is destined for me
Determined not to let it stop me.
Determined is how to get above it and be free.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Your love grants access to a life brand new

I see the freedom you have granted

Take hold of your truths

Putting down weights that hinder my stride

Getting rid of hurts that I use to hide

Moving it all out of the way

For that special and precious reason

To worship and give You praise

To get into your presence and love on You till

You melt away all of my insecurities and anything attempts to shield the light of your truth from coming to me.

Constantly letting me know that I am loved and free

Free to be who you made me to be

I know this through your love revealed in me

Opening up a world natural eyes can't see

Adonai forever you are to me

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 Inevitable

Impossibility can no longer stand

Notions conceived submitted to God's plan

Evidence found in the Word of God

Victory in Christ proclaimed in the Word

Imagine all that He has granted to you through the Word

Transformed renewing your mind is key understanding that victory is inevitable for you and me.

Access has always been granted simply waiting for you to believe

Belife patiently waiting for you and me to employ it and be inevitably free

Live like you knew from the start

Enligthened in the truth let it take hold and hide it in your heart.