Saturday, February 28, 2009


I let it go
Every hurt and pain sent to hinder me
For He made me to be free to live this life with joy and peace
I released it all
When I realized you had so much more for me
Determined to be who He called me to be
I continued on cause I wanted to be the best I can be
An ambassador for Christ showing it with His love in my life
I want give up
For there is a strive and a drive that comes from above
Faith is that substance
Accompained with and by the knowledge of his love
Motivates me to keep reaching up to thee
Morning meditation keeping me in touch with an anointing to build up the kingdom
For praise and worship must be offered up to a gracious God
Who sings over me and remains ever mindful of me

Constantly throughout the day showing forth His mercy and love
Reminding me to keep going, keep moving, never stop reaching to the Father of everlasting love
For this is the start of momentum

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Knowing You

Nobody but you comes to my mind
So many doors closed (a thought from behind)
Now I understand its simply you guiding me
Cause there is a plan and purpose
You have called me to walk out who you are in the earth
This becomes possilbe through the new birth
Living above the commandments with your grace
Longing for time alone to enter the Holy Place
Nobody but You and me in that place

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Praise to You

Philippians 1:11 being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.

Never without a word of praise to you
Adoration always, it goes beyond what you do
From the depths of my heart
I will worship you
Your love an ongoing season
So I willing offer praise and worship to you
Ever grateful and living for you
Daily receiving the grace to let you be you in me
Thankful and more for the Son you sent to save me.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


His plan cannot be stopped
His work of redemption never ceased
His love has purchased an eternal bride
Harvested among the earth through Christ seed
Drawing us to His unfailing love
Comforted in His surpassing peace
Forever His children awaiting the soon return of our coming King