Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 New Year New View

Seeing the world anew
A choice that is up to you
Beauty and splendor to see
Moving through life with love and peace
Never to be unclear
Love is important and dear
Enjoying every moment you have
Be sure to love and laugh
2015 is here a creation of your own to appear
To unfold to you a day at a time
Each morning new fresh sunrise
Love freely given to you
Pass it on all year through

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Positive thought movement, motion
Changing every notion
Being positive changing, moving, growing
A way a life knowing
Being positive
In everything you say and o
Doesn’t remove the former
Just simply building on a new truth
About a freedom to move beyond the former  into something new.
No longer torn or snared by the former plight.
Moving into a new and fresh light and life.
Most assuredly certain, sure of it.
Positive of a loving God, who is there
Who never ever forsakes.
Positive of something new yet burning and budding inside.
Positive of a change that started with a state of mind.
Positive about God’s  truth and the word.
Positive that life will never be the same by His blood.
Positive about the new outlook in life.
Beholding something fresh something new
Former things no longer center stage in the light.
Positive about  determination
Positive that victory is assured and won.
Positive, you must be positive.
Not withholding the things that are.
Just being certain that there is one greater than me, just being positive.
Face each new day with a notion fresh from heaven.
Sure of the day, positive that He guides along the way.
Positive that everything will be okay
Positive because His word said it would be that way positive.
That no matter what you face be positive that He will remain faithful because He is full of grace.
A grace that never runs out, a grace that never ends.
Positive of a loving God who listens and holds both you and me, I’m sure.
Positively, positive.

Monday, October 7, 2013

God is a Keeper!

10:29 AM
Today, I spent some time this morning thinking about the keeping power of God. He neither sleeps nor slumbers. All I know is that he keeps on keeping me, saving me protecting me. For this I don't have enough words to say. Thank you seems so inadequate. Yet I'm honored to be able to give you; God praise. Thank you, Lord! I thought about putting this on my blog as a testimony to the keeping power of God after a conversation with my sister in Christ about giving God praise.  Driving down the road yesterday with my daughters and cousins when my car just spun out of control. We landed in some bodies yard unharmed, able to continue on our journey with no damage to anyone or any thing. This is another testimony to God's faithfulness.  The countless times He has kept me in the midst of my day to day going in and coming out.  You often hear people talk about Him being a keeper, and He is. I am a witness to it! I often rehearse Psalms 121:4 Behold he that keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. Then I found Deuteronomy 7:9 Know therefore that The Lord your God,he is God, the faithful God, which keeps covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations.  Thank you Lord for your faithfulness to me and my family. To God be the glory! 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

To Return

For He came  for me
With fierce love He set me free
Coming back for me

Haiku for Jesus

Jesus Sacrifice 
Purchased what is the true life
Born Again in Christ

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Morning Grace

I awoke to the greeting of the Son.
Another day granted
So I bless the Holy One
With praises on my lips
I think on you
Grateful that you are my God
You have called me to You.
Thankful this morning that I  awoke to the Son.
Shining through
As the light shines within
Beckoning me to a day anew
Fresh in His benefits
Readily supplied  for me and you
Being warmed by the Son.
Feeling and being filled by the rays of His love.
The light of the shining Son
Awakens me to morning grace.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Shining like the sun
Reflecting the light
Given by the Holy One
Jesus Christ
Came for you and me
To shine forth in the darkness
Shining in you a life anew
New every day
New with His word
Even though its the same
New in Jesus everyday
Fresh in perspective, new in love
New in grace and mercy
Sent from God above
Wrapped in His love
Shining like the Son
Unable to be hidden because of the Holy One
Jesus our King
The shining Son.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Thoughts In Between

The ups and the downs
The smiles and the frowns
The questions and the comments
The decision to make a commitment
Like a roller coaster with its chills and thrills
Thoughts in between 
Just keeping it real

To choose to keep your mind focus on He
Who called you by name and knows your very frame.
The thoughts in between look like this.
The glory and majesty of my great king
Sent His Son to die for me
In this moment slow to speak
Placing all my focus solely on thee
In this moment surrendering my cares
Casting off everything because I'm in need of You
So I choose to focus, focus on You

The thoughts in between
Have to remind myself not to merely sit as if You are not there
Under my breathe at my desk
Utter that simple prayer
Thank you, thank you for it all.
Just that thought of You in between the rest
Eases it all
Thought in between the others 

On peace after that one
You keep me grounded
When the winds are high
You keep me in peace when things go wrong
You are the only one
Thoughts in between

Maneuvering through your comment :/
Now on to victory 
Side step the bait to plead my case
Jesus did it at the cross and that is all it will ever take
His blood more than conquered and covered me
Thought in between

Filling in the gaps 
Sometimes the ugly things
There is that reminder that I am in need
Nothing without the King

Thought in between