Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Positive thought movement, motion
Changing every notion
Being positive changing, moving, growing
A way a life knowing
Being positive
In everything you say and o
Doesn’t remove the former
Just simply building on a new truth
About a freedom to move beyond the former  into something new.
No longer torn or snared by the former plight.
Moving into a new and fresh light and life.
Most assuredly certain, sure of it.
Positive of a loving God, who is there
Who never ever forsakes.
Positive of something new yet burning and budding inside.
Positive of a change that started with a state of mind.
Positive about God’s  truth and the word.
Positive that life will never be the same by His blood.
Positive about the new outlook in life.
Beholding something fresh something new
Former things no longer center stage in the light.
Positive about  determination
Positive that victory is assured and won.
Positive, you must be positive.
Not withholding the things that are.
Just being certain that there is one greater than me, just being positive.
Face each new day with a notion fresh from heaven.
Sure of the day, positive that He guides along the way.
Positive that everything will be okay
Positive because His word said it would be that way positive.
That no matter what you face be positive that He will remain faithful because He is full of grace.
A grace that never runs out, a grace that never ends.
Positive of a loving God who listens and holds both you and me, I’m sure.
Positively, positive.

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