Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Designed For It

For whom he did foreknow, he also did predistinate to be conformed to the image of his Son. Romans 8:29

Never out of words never without something to say.
Needing You more and more each day.
Desiring to be at one in the Holy Place with my King.
Giving you praise and adoration for you are my everything.
Thank You for those times when I'm alone with You.
Know that in You there is truth.
Truth to answer the meditations of the heart.
Never alone, never seperated, we will never be apart.
Designed to be in fellowship with You.
Always seeking, always reaching can't live without You.
Such a love as this renewed, can't explain why You do.
Indeed You do!
Fellowship conforming me into the image of You.
Designed to seek and be known by You.

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