Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What I Know

On the up and heading out
Only thing down is the doubt
Faith on a flow
Going higher because of what I know about my Father the King
Always looking out for me He is the King
Know for sure that He has everything in His control
Walking out Your word I'm in Your flow!
One drop and everything changed
One and I was never the same
To the hills I lifted my eyes
Calvary where my Savior was cruficied
It wasn't long
Before resurrection kicked in
Then life as we know it was forever altered
Power to live again
Jesus said it would be
Indeed He will come again
Ever faithful
Ever true
Declaring Your unfailing love
None like You
Forever, oh Lord Your word is settled in heaven
Manifesting Yourself in an array of splendor
Life always fresh and new
Giving glory and honor to You.
I owe it all to You!

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