Friday, December 31, 2010

Farewell 2010

As the year ends
I'm glad You called me friend
As the hours count down
I'm blessed that Your around
As I reflect back
You never left my side
When I think about how you where there
Every step of the way
I've got to take this time
Give You All the praise LORD!!!

You where and so much more.
And I give you all my praise LORD!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Muse

I feel a rush, a wave of His goodness sweeping over me.

Sitting in His presence I wait quietly.

Knowing that You are with me.

Enjoying oneness as You have called us to be

Thinking more and more each day how I need thee.

I bask in your love and you fill this place.

The very depth of me.

Quietly I wait for I need this time alone with my King.

And I need You more

More than the day I did before

Need you now even as I sit upon the floor

Waiting before You




That I need You more now than ever before

Say it with my mouth

Though I sensed it in my heart

Your love for me never to depart

And a flow, a flow over me

Fellowship and communion

My heart longs for You

Your face I seek

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Out There

Swimming in a sea of thoughts
Counting up what it will cost
Wondering when the waves will still
Truthfully wrestling with some ills
Then a notion brings a hint of light
From His word I gain insight
Looking closer the waves are calm
Now some comfort as I read on
Knowing surely it will be
For in His word He has spoken to me.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

You See

A new appreciation
For a current situation
Grateful for an elavation
That promotes a celebration
Because the experiences are denotations
To the vastness of His manifestation of love
He has placed in You
More than You yourself can see
Giving Him Honor in all things
Sweet bounding grace overtaking me
Tears of gratitude freely flowing
Amazingly blessed due to knowing that You chose me
From the start called me by name and set me apart
I give you honor and praise for;
A new appreciation found in my heart.


It's movement and motion
A force without end
Constantly implementing and enforcing a plan
A power entrusted earned or not
Used skillfully its up lifting
Mismanaged its not
Taking a diverse form each and every time
Unique as you are individual
A word spoken in the right place at the right time
Changing everything, alter the course of things
In your mouth power to change, create, praise
To the Almighty
Be praised.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Speak on knowledge
Speak on truth
How about life
The one God gave to You
Speak on life
Speak on hope
Speak on extending oneself
So that others hope
Speak on now, tomorrow too
Speak on faith
Ain't that what God told you to do?

Friday, November 12, 2010

His Hands

In His hands
I am an instrument
To implement a plan
To help you understand
That He is the great I am
In His hands
I am a plan sent to earth
So that others understand
That Jesus is the only way
To live life again
And then forever understand
In His hands
I am a vessel
A vessel He has made
It, another, again
Formed in His image
Fearfully and wonderfully made
To carry out His plan
Every experience formed
To bring the lost by way of the cross
Jesus paid the cost
In his hands
You are a part of the plan!


Conceive a notion
Turned into a thought
Claim my devotion
Because of You Lord
I am never lost.
Beyond my head
Saturated in my heart
Nothing now or ever will cause us to part

His Effects

Something now
Can’t explain
Don’t know how
Working on it
It is working in me
Change of a greater magnitude happening to me

Friday, October 22, 2010

Path (Haiku)

Step by step You lead
Your Word lights the path I need
Following your lead

Saturday, October 2, 2010

While I Was Walking

As I was simply walking
I noticed something had changed
As I continued walking
I noticed my gate had changed
So I kept on walking
Now more aware than before
That I didn't walk alone
For I had sensed Your love the more
As I was simply walking
You to walked with me
Such a love as this
Shared in a walk between You and me.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Another notion denoted
To one unquestionably devoted
So much so He sent His Son
Unfailing love and He won
Every victory on the cross
So don’t be confused when the world says you lost
Don’t be blind to the truth
With Christ you can never lose
With His love you conquer all
Take this note so when you fall
You want stay there He hears your plea
Declare His word and you will see
He answers prayers
When you ask, knock, and seek
Trust and depend on Him and you will see
Another notion denoted to the victory Christ gave you and me!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Choosing You

A new day granted by You
Love flowing endlessly through the night
Awaken in the morn to experience more goodness from You
Liberty in choices
Choosing to embrace the new
Over and over again granted with an opportunity to choose
In our minds, in our hearts, in everything we do
Choose, we must, and choose we do
Over and over again we choose You
To walk in Your way to walk in Your word
Knowing Your truth makes us free cause we’ve heard
Standing on the promise of Your word
We choose You

Sunday, September 12, 2010

And On We Go

And on we go
Cause life doesn't stop
Pray we must
Keeping God on top
And on we go
To His purposes and plans
With dreams and goals ahead
Standing on what He said
And on we go
Trusting in His word
Giving praise to the King
For His unfailing love
And on we go
For destiny is just up ahead.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Beyond you, beyond me
I wait
I know
You will never let me go!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Can't hold me even if you tried
Won't hold me due to who abides
Beholding the radiance of the Son
Never to forget that You are the One
Came to this earth to simply set me free
Always in progress,living in His love
Abiding in His love that reaches in, through and beyond me.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


And a moment came
When it came
Everything changed
Now quietly I wait
In your midst a sweet exchange
The word came
Soon followed the rain
Now I'm not the same
More determined to obtain
The promise of the Word that remains
Sown into my heart by a love that never parts
No seperation, even when its dark
Living divine a matter of the heart
Praises to God who never departs

Saturday, July 31, 2010

New Day

Blowing across the horizon
From the sound of Your voice
Surely the Son is rising
For surrender is my choice
I can see it on the horizon
Dawning in a sweet array
The glory of the Lord
Rapturing me in His embrace
Thank you Lord for this new day!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Beyond the Thrill

It was a thrill
A ride I won't forget
A moment when time ceased
No allowance for regret
It was a place where I let go
Lost my cares and now know
You are my everything

Saturday, July 3, 2010

To Be

Captivated by You
Flowing from a love ever new
Always longing for You

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What I Know

On the up and heading out
Only thing down is the doubt
Faith on a flow
Going higher because of what I know about my Father the King
Always looking out for me He is the King
Know for sure that He has everything in His control
Walking out Your word I'm in Your flow!
One drop and everything changed
One and I was never the same
To the hills I lifted my eyes
Calvary where my Savior was cruficied
It wasn't long
Before resurrection kicked in
Then life as we know it was forever altered
Power to live again
Jesus said it would be
Indeed He will come again
Ever faithful
Ever true
Declaring Your unfailing love
None like You
Forever, oh Lord Your word is settled in heaven
Manifesting Yourself in an array of splendor
Life always fresh and new
Giving glory and honor to You.
I owe it all to You!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Things known
Now becoming understood
Doors open beyond this place
Tapped into the heavenly
Stand in a board place
Never to be the same
Changed in perspective
Now I search again
This time deeper getting beyond what you know
Looking to the Father who already knows
Patiently He waits for me
To be totally surrendered
And simply be who He already said I would be
Somehow I know it too because of the eternity that He has placed in you and me.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Running with Change

Featured in Endless Horizons Nature’s Embrace published by Eber & Wein.

Who knows what is before us
Decided not to stand around and ask
‘Cause time won’t wait set goals and aim high
Now change is on the rise

Democracy, all you do for the common man speaks
The future is much greater and brighter than we all hope to see
Running with the change that’s me in the land called beautiful
People still pondering what will be

Transition, sweet transition
Preparation for a new position
Outlook on life not so bleak
Hope in the office, hear the people speak
Awaken those who felt they couldn’t go on

Running with the change
Sweet change on the rescue we see
A unity of a people abiding in the land we call free
Enjoying the liberty purchased by those gone before me
So that I now live in the land of the brave America sweet
Relatively speaking, it has always been here waiting on you and me.
To simply run with change and be free!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Designed For It

For whom he did foreknow, he also did predistinate to be conformed to the image of his Son. Romans 8:29

Never out of words never without something to say.
Needing You more and more each day.
Desiring to be at one in the Holy Place with my King.
Giving you praise and adoration for you are my everything.
Thank You for those times when I'm alone with You.
Know that in You there is truth.
Truth to answer the meditations of the heart.
Never alone, never seperated, we will never be apart.
Designed to be in fellowship with You.
Always seeking, always reaching can't live without You.
Such a love as this renewed, can't explain why You do.
Indeed You do!
Fellowship conforming me into the image of You.
Designed to seek and be known by You.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Are you In?

It's 2010 and I'm in His grace, mercy, love and care.
His plan for me is very clear found in submission,revealed in prayer.
In 2010 His hand of providence is everywhere.
Trust and know He is in control.
All power belongs to Him.
Again you must know, know to trust.
Trust with all your heart.
For His word CAN NOT fail!
Know truth and you want depart!
It's 2010 are you in?